"How to Make Mason Jar Salads for Stress-Free, Healthy Lunches All Week"

Everyone who attends my FREE online cooking class will receive a PDF that's ready to print, featuring the Mason Jar Salad & Homemade Italian Dressing Recipe, along with a few more bonus healthy recipes. But that's not all – you’ll also get a shopping list and easy meal prep instructions. This way, you'll have all these recipes good to go by Sunday for your week ahead!

Yes! I Want The Free Mason Jar Salad Class!
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me with a mason jar salad

Want to Know More?

In our FREE Online Mason Jar Salad class, I'll walk you through the magic of transforming lunchtime by spending 30 minutes on a Sunday to prep delicious, healthy salads that'll fuel your entire week.

By the end, you'll not only be craving more leafy greens, veggies, and lean protein but also see that Mason Jar Salads can inspire you to kickstart a regular meal prep routine. It did for me, and I know it will for you, too!

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Here's What You'll Learn!


Master the art of layering a Mason Jar Salad so it stays fresh and crisp all week, with no more slimy greens.


Discover how Mason Jar Salads turn enjoying a healthy lunch into the easiest thing you'll do all week. It's a game-changer, trust me! 🍽️


How Mason Jar Salads can save you hundreds of dollars every month! Eat healthier and keep your wallet happy. 💰


Plus, I'll share my top shopping tips, including where to score budget-friendly, organic ingredients. Your health and wallet will thank you! 🛒🌿

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Who am I, and why should you listen to me?

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Hello there! I'm Tammy, a Healthy Habit & Lifestyle Coach and Blogger. I own the Reset & Flourish Brand and also the Organize Yourself Skinny Blog.

Since 2011, I've worked with professional women with families to carve out space in their busy lives for sustainable and healthy weight loss.

As a busy working mom, lunches were a trouble spot for me. More often than not, I’d rush to work without any food to eat during the day.

Ultimately I’d end up ordering takeout, snacking on a bag of pretzels, or starving until I got home. This was my daily life, and I’m convinced my lack of lunch strategy was a top reason for my weight issues.

That all changed when I discovered mason jar salads in 2012. 

At first, I thought mason jar salads were all for show. Sure, they look pretty layered in a glass mason jar, but are they functional? Are they going to be a pain to transport to work? How will I eat it?

Well, I gave it a shot. I put together five mason jar salads to bring to work. That week I changed my life! Not to sound dramatic, but it did. I became an instant mason jar salad believer.

Up until then, I was never a big salad fan. Sure, I’d order one at a restaurant or possibly make a sad iceberg concoction at dinner, but to make one every day was never in the cards. I just didn’t crave salads. 

Today, I love eating salads – well, mason jar salads.

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Every day, I count down the minutes to lunch and look forward to eating a mason jar salad.

And now I consume more vegetables in one day than I used to in a week!

I’ve been making mason jar salads every week since then, and they continue to be an easy, delicious way to move towards healthier eating habits.

If you're looking for an easier way to enjoy a healthy lunch, whether working at the office or from home, I always recommend Mason Jar Salads.

They're a top pick for meal prep, and for good reason.

They're incredibly simple to prepare, and you'll quickly appreciate having a nutritious lunch at your fingertips.

But here's the real bonus: Mason Jar Salads can be a gateway to exploring other meal prep ideas.

That's when things start to really change for the better. 

Meal prep is a smart way to fit healthy eating into your busy life. It not only brings order to your week and eases stress but also saves you money.

So, if you’re unsure where to start with meal prep, I recommend starting with Mason Jar Salads!

Tammy with mason jar salads
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